Hi Everyone,

As you know, I’ve changed my work focus to shifting the paradigm for how companies address retaining women and diverse professionals in technology. Over the last four years, with the help of many volunteers, we’ve started initiatives that have led to developing:

  • The @Work Experience Framework and Measure that assesses the key elements of work life that need to be in place for women to thrive
  • Career Power, a board game that lets players face and discuss career challenges with fun
  • Interventions to aid interpersonal interactions, manage conflict, encourage participation, and reduce bullying during working meetings
  • Research on what is needed in the on-boarding experience


To encourage and further this work I’ve started WITops, a non-profit (tax-exempt) organization dedicated to developing knowledge and practical techniques to help technology companies engage and retain women and diverse persons.

We’ll build actionable tested processes, techniques, guidance measures, and educational games or other ways to encourage change and increase success for women at work. At the heart of our work is collaborating and working with volunteers in our industry to make things happen. Donation of time and money can help us forward the action.

Please check out our evolving website and get involved.

CHI 2018 Conference

If you are attending CHI, please find me to discuss collaborating or learn about our efforts. Some of our work for women can be seen at:

  • Late Breaking Work: How Do HCI Professionals Perceive Their Work Experience? Insights from the Comparison with Other Job Roles in IT on display in the Exhibit Hall on Wednesday
  • SIG: Designathon to Support Women in Tech on Thursday afternoon

You can also catch me at the Diversity and Inclusion lunch or at the conference center. I’m excited about this new venture and hope together we can make a difference.

GEWINN Conference Keynote Speech

Don’t forget that I’m giving the keynote presentation at GEWINN in Heilbronn, Germany on May 14-May 15. GEWINN centers on interdisciplinary knowledge regarding gender and IT and is part of the research project on interdisciplinary knowledge regarding Gender and IT.

Karen Holtzblatt
InContext Design
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