A Long Term Affair

“How many I/O slots do we need to provide, and for which type of I/O cards?” asked my R&D project manager. In a previous life, I spent many years as a marketing planner for large computer systems. What this really entails is giving guidance to the R&D,...

Organizational Empathy

In a previous post, I talked about what I called “disciplinary empathy” – the ability to get out of one’s acculturated box and see problems from the point of view of other peoples’ expertise and training.  I made the observation that people I’ve run across with high...

Connectivity Week 2009

Some weeks ago I was at Connectivity Week and had the pleasure of participating on one of their keynote panels. We were talking to a self-defined audience of 50+ hardcore engineers inventing smart meters, appliances, monitors, and infrastructure that can be leveraged...

Creativity from the Ground Up

Every so often, I’m faced with the realization that something I really believe isn’t so. There’s that momentary sense of profound disorientation that forces me to stop and really think—and adjust myself to a new reality. Sure, that whole Easter Bunny realization was a...

Essential Agile

The Agile approach to software development has been one of the more fun innovations of the past few years. It’s fun because so much of Agile involves saying out loud truths which everyone knew but no one would acknowledge or act on. Things like: “No Product...

T-Shaped Teams

I heard once that our biggest mistakes buy us our most meaningful insights. Not that it’s very fun, mind you. But it’s true, we do learn from our mistakes. And for those of us who are not airline pilots or surgeons, they can be positive, career-changing insights. When...