Innovation is Not Magic

Sometimes innovation feels like magic when you haven’t found the recipe for delivering innovative solutions reliably. Is dependable innovation possible ? We think the answer is yes. Innovation comes from a deep understanding of your customers or users and a...

Agile Development and User Centered Design

What is Agile? Agile methods are a relatively new approach to producing software. In contrast to traditional approaches that emphasize requirements analysis, design, and implementation as distinct phases, Agile methods seek to minimize up-front planning in favor of...

Design for Conservation

Conservation is a good idea, but mainstream people don’t consciously conserve—they consume at home and work, without even thinking about it, in pursuit of comfort and convenience in their lives, focused on their life tasks. Design for conservation should keep these...

Designing Services

The fun thing about being a consultant is that you get to work with lots of different teams and lots of different companies. And that means you get to work on very different types of problems.  With that in mind, let me tell you about my week. I was coaching a firm...