Two Days of Affinity in Two Minutes

I have a confession for you all: I’m an affinity junkie. I mean, I LOVE building the affinity. It’s almost pure induction, one of the pillars of Design Thinking. It’s physical and tangible and can be a little bit manic at times, perfect for a hyperkinetic person like...

Changing Minds is Hard Work

I’ve been telling people for years that thinking is hard work. At the end of a day building an affinity when everyone’s brain is completely fried even though all they’ve done for the day is stick Post-its on the wall—“See, thinking is hard work!” I say with a chipper...

Do we need a CQ – a creative intelligence measure?

A recent discussion by Bruce Nussbaum (BusinessWeek) suggests the need for identifying the creative capability of individuals and organizations. This concept got me thinking about creativity and how or even IF we could or should measure such a thing. I think the...

Front End Zen

I like paradoxes.  I even like the word “paradox”.  It’s just so delicious – things that taken apart must be true but taken together cannot be true.  So like life. There is a lot that is paradoxical about innovation – especially about new product development.  One...

T-Shaped Teams

I heard once that our biggest mistakes buy us our most meaningful insights. Not that it’s very fun, mind you. But it’s true, we do learn from our mistakes. And for those of us who are not airline pilots or surgeons, they can be positive, career-changing insights. When...